
writing 1

When I was young, my father and I, we went to the forest to take mushrooms.  I love themushrooms, but my dad love them more than me             .  We had token mushrooms, when I got lost. When I had understood that I was lost, I started to run into the forest. As I ran, I noticed a presence, turning around I saw a boar. It was not a normal boar, or I do not remember it, it was a boar of about 120 kg and had ten centimeters of tusks.

Resultat d'imatges de rovelló
He had red eyes and was accompanied by six children who had a month and a half. Boar females are often more violent when accompanied by their offspring. I started to run and shout as he went further into the woods. Fortunately, later I woke up; but even when I go to the forest, I always try to be alert.

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